We recommend that you register and login before you checkout your shopping basket so that you can save your delivery address in "member page" for quicker checkout in the future. Only after successful membership registration, order history and record, including Order No., Order Details and Order Status, will be saved in your member account. After order shipped, you also can check shipping tracking number from order history.
Below are simple steps for shopping online with Bonjour E-Shop :
1. Use searching engine to search your targeted items;
2. Press “Add to Cart” on the product page;
3. Targeted product shown as selected product in Shopping Cart;
4. Press “Check Out”;
5. Provide credit card information, delivery address and etc.;
6. Receive confirmation notice via email as completion of transaction;
* If you are a returning customer, you will be prompted to login by providing your email address and password. If you forgot your password, click 'forgot password' to retrieve your hint.
You will be sent an 'order confirmation email' by the system automatically after you completed the ordering procedures.
You will receive a 'transaction confirmation email' by the system automatically once you confirmed and completed the payment process.