{{ 'fb_in_app_browser_popup.desc' | translate }} {{ 'fb_in_app_browser_popup.copy_link' | translate }}
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Ordering Information:From 12 - 18/Feb placed an order, estimate arrival date on 26/Feb, finally also depends on brand products couriers shippng schedule.
If you can't find your favorite items in our website, please feel free direct contact with us by Whatsapp 55465100
Free shipping fee when you purchased over HKD$800 (Hong Kong) / HKD$1200 (Macau)
Ordering Information:From 12 - 18/Feb placed an order, estimate arrival date on 26/Feb, finally also depends on brand products couriers shippng schedule.
If you can't find your favorite items in our website, please feel free direct contact with us by Whatsapp 55465100
Free shipping fee when you purchased over HKD$800 (Hong Kong) / HKD$1200 (Macau)
Ordering Information:From 12 - 18/Feb placed an order, estimate arrival date on 26/Feb, finally also depends on brand products couriers shippng schedule.
{{ childProduct.title_translations | translateModel }}
{{ getChildVariationShorthand(childProduct.child_variation) }}
{{ getSelectedItemDetail(selectedChildProduct, item).childProductName }} x {{ selectedChildProduct.quantity || 1 }}
{{ getSelectedItemDetail(selectedChildProduct, item).childVariationName }}
以下資料如有任何變更,會於 FB 及 IG 公佈,敬請留意!
尤其需要特別留意係節日假期,亦可能因疫情影響、運輸罷工等因素,務必留意我們 FB 及 IG 動態公佈!
大家亦可 Whatsapp 55465100 向我們查詢大概到貨日子。
由於近期因韓國運輸司機罷工原因,引致所有廠家於貨物發送後於中途有出現延誤及滯後等情況,故現時到貨期有機會延至 2 至 4 星期。謝絕任何急單!
由於近期貨運有所延誤,一般需預 7 - 18 日左右,如真係好想知當日訂貨幾時可到貨香港,請於落單前 Whatsapp 向我們查詢,如落單後因需等太久,不設任何取消訂單及退款。
隱形眼鏡訂購:每週星期五晚上 23:59 為截單時間,11天後之星期三到貨到香港(缺貨產品型號除外)