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訂貨到貨資訊:於 24 - 30/Jul 期間訂貨,預計於 07/Aug 到港,最終亦要視乎各品牌最終發貨日子及出貨速度而定。

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訂貨到貨資訊:於 24 - 30/Jul 期間訂貨,預計於 07/Aug 到港,最終亦要視乎各品牌最終發貨日子及出貨速度而定。

如網站內之產品並無您想代購之韓國產品,不論化妝品、護膚品、衫、褲、鞋、家品等等都可以! 歡迎 Whatsapp 55465100 向我們查詢!


訂貨到貨資訊:於 24 - 30/Jul 期間訂貨,預計於 07/Aug 到港,最終亦要視乎各品牌最終發貨日子及出貨速度而定。

Daniel's Truth Pure Oil Perfume 30ml

Daniel's Truth Pure Oil Perfume 30ml

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Peony and purple fruit fruit peel oil from the pristine western region of the United States
It is blended to produce a deep and soft sensuous fragrance.

[Magnolia Lake │ Magnolia Lake]
It has a scent reminiscent of earth and calms the mind.
Based on Patchouli Oil, which is well known for its comfort,
An exquisite blend of magnolia blossom oil and lime oil grown in March-April
It creates a sophisticated and luxurious atmosphere with a soft and cozy feeling.

[Blue Sage & Sea Salt│Blue Sage & Sea Salt]
An exquisite blend of blue sage (herb series) and sea salt from Laguna Beach.
Fresh grass leaves wet with the morning dew and a cool scent of a dense forest.

[Ojai Garden│Olive Ridge]
California olive farm oil, daisy fragrance, and oakmoss elegance create an ensemble.
Neroli's floral homage creates a fragrance that expresses the splendor and innocence of a woman wearing a long dress.

[Sea Moss│Sea Moss]
Oceanic notes of sea moss from Laguna Beach, California,
Directing the powdery softness and profoundness of the refreshing sea.

[Calabria Bergamot│Calabria Bergamot]
Oil is extracted from Bergamot on the Calabrian coast.
Creates a fresh and profound scent of citrus.

[Bulgarian Rose│Bulgarian Rose]
The special luxury of nature and the deep, strong scent of premium oils.
Bulgaria is a suitable region for the production of rose oil, creating an elegant and deep rose scent.

[Eucalyptus Lavender│Eucalyptus Lavender]
The oil is extracted from the eucalyptus tree and is combined with Bulgarian lavender oil.
Fantastic blending creates an exotic and cozy scent of herbs.



  • 門市自取 (香港九龍旺角彌敦道 608 號總統商業大廈 W Plaza 二樓 231-2 號舖)
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  • [運費到付] 順便智能櫃取件
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  • [運費到付] 順豐站取件
  • [運費到付] OK便利店取件 (經順豐速運)
  • [運費到付] 7-11便利店取件 (經順豐速運)
  • [運費到付] 辦公室/住宅地址直送 (經順豐速運)
  • 順豐速運 - 澳門地區 (滿 $1200 免運費)
  • SF Express - For Singapore and Malaysia Customer (Shipping Fee charge by customer)


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